We are sorry to announce that Success passed away from malaria during the 2020-2021 school year.
September 2020: Meet Success, who has been generously sponsored by Farhat Bhuiyan. She is 7 years old and is in the K-2 grade this year. She lives in Vehyipa, Liberia with her grandparents. After Success parents broke up, her mother dropped her off at her parents’ home saying that she was going out of town and will be back a few weeks. That was 2 years ago and she has not returned. Unfortunatly, Success grandparents are unemployed and have having a diffitcult time supporting her and sending her to school on a regular basis. Her interests are helping her grandpa and she hopes to be a doctor when she grows up. (Please Note: We were unable to take a picture of Success in her school clothes because she gotten sick during the distribution and was send home with her school supplies).