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Princess: S878-KPA



Princess has been promoted to kindergarten-1 and continues to live with her uncle. She still dreams of becoming a teacher one day. She shared with us that she often dreams of her mom. When asked what happens in these dreams, she said, “She can be running with me, trying to catch me. I don’t like it when I wake up. I just want to keep dreaming.”  Even through the challenges, Princess works hard and is grateful for the opportunity to go to school. Sponsored by: Donations from General Funds



Princess is nine years old and in pre-kindergarten (ABC).  She lives with her uncle as both her parents are deceased.  Princess wants to be an education worker one day.  Though living in a supportive household, her uncle could not afford the cost of Princess’ school fees; thus, her late enrollment at age 9.  Princess hopes to catch up with her age-appropriate grade level and is thankful for the gift of a scholarship. Sponsored by: Donations from General Funds

Photos of Princess Throughout The School Years: