As per observation, our future farmer, Jomama, is a great student and was granted a good classroom participation record during the last school year. She has obtained a promotion to the k-2 class. Jomama still desires to be a farmer and her mother reports Jomama’s willingness to help out with the large subsistence farming gardens. Her mother uses revenue from the farming goods Jomama provides for the family. Her favorite subject is math and she had highest grademark in math. Sponsored by: Julie Hunt
Meet Jomama, who has been generously sponsored by an Anonymous donor (Mohamad). She is 9 years old and has never been to school before. This will be her first year attending and she will be in the ABC grade. She lives in Zorgowee, Liberia with her mother. She has never known her father and her mother is disabled and cannot work. Her interests are growing fruits, vegetables, and plants and she hopes to be a farmer when she grows up.