Nancy was promoted to the first grade! She has been re-enrolled into school for the 2022/2023 school year. Her favorite subject is math and her teacher reports she performs well in school and is very smart. She continues to live with her mother and still dreams of becoming a caterer one day. Sponsored by: Jeffrey Friebert
Thanks to the generous donation from Jeffrey Friebert, Nancy has been re-enrolled into school for the 2021/2022 school year. She was promoted to the Kindergarten-2 grade this year and still wants to be a caterer when she grows up. Her favorite pastime is cooking and her favorite soup is Casava leaf. Cooking in the village requires a lot of “props”. You must fetch water from a well or a nearby running stream, containerize it in the outdoor kitchen, carefully wash whatever you are cooking and then proceed to “prepare” the materials for cooking. The leaves from the cassava root plant are cropped, washed, pounded in a large handmade mortar and a long substantial pestle, and stewed with palm oil, meats (if available), and other spices. We are honored to walk alongside Nancy as she follows her passion and dreams of becoming a caterer.
Meet Nancy, who has been generously sponsored by an Anonymous Donor (Mohamad). She is 7 years old and is in the Kindergarten-1 grade this year. She lives in Zorgowee, Liberia with her mother. She’s never met her father because he denied her at birth because he said the child did not look like him. Her interests are making helping her mom to cook and she hopes to be a caterer when she grows up.