Fifteen-year-old Michel was promoted to the sixth grade! He is a great student who works hard and is determined to succeed. After school, his favorite activities are playing soccer and helping his grandmother. Michel still resides with his grandmother and dreams of becoming a doctor one day. Sponsored by: Greg Manzetti
Michel received a double promotion from third to fifth grade! During our interview, fourteen year old Michel was very sweet and continuously thanked GPA and his sponsor for supporting his education. He says “school is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” His favorite subject is math, and he looks forward to becoming a doctor one day. Michel still resides with his grandmother. Sponsored by: Greg Manzetti
Thanks to the generous donation from Greg Manzetti, Michel has been re-enrolled into school for the 2020/2021 school year. He is in the 2nd grade this year and still wants to be a doctor when he grows up. With less than 500 doctors serving a population of 4.5 million people, Liberian households often experience fatalities due to treatable illnesses. Children aspiring to become doctors is a worthy cause. He continues to live with his grandmother.
Meet Michel, who has been generously sponsored by Greg Manzetti. He is 11 years old and is in the 1st grade this year. Michel lives in Vehyipa, Liberia with his grandmother. Both of Michel’s parents abandoned him with his grandmother who is having a difficult time supporting both she and Michel. His interests are helping his grandma cut wood to sell for food. He hopes to be a doctor when he grows up.